There are a few key steps to ensure you’re ready for a successful meeting. The preparation is the key to a successful meeting, whether it’s for a planning session or a review of your employees.

Create your agenda and share any pre-reading materials that you’d like participants to review prior to the meeting. Notifying them prior to the meeting will ensure that everyone will have an understanding of the agenda and will be able to participate effectively in the meeting. It’s possible to include them in your invitations or share them through internal comms. Be sure to be specific about what you must read and what’s a nice addition.

Be prepared for obstacles that could occur during the meeting and prepare a strategy to overcome these. Refraining from bringing these issues up during the meeting could result in the waste of meeting time as everyone tries to keep up to date on a problem that could have been resolved in advance.

Don’t forget about setting up an appropriate procedure for recording and sharing the meeting minutes and any other documentation. This will keep the momentum of the meeting and ensure that all participants understand what was discussed and decided during the meeting.

Finish the meeting by making a list of the key takeaways. This will allow everyone to feel more confident about the next steps to advance the discussion or project ahead. This is an excellent way to conclude the meeting and help participants feel confident that they are part of a unified group that is capable of achieving the goals.